Ink Review - Pilot Iroshizuku shin-ryoku

Hello Chrissy here and today I’m reviewing Pilot Iroshizuku shin-ryoku ink.

From Japanese this translates to Forest Green and is a mid-range emerald, forest green colour that leans slightly blue.

It was well-behaved while writing with all of my pens, had good flow and smooth lubrication across the page. When the pen lays down a lot of ink on a smooth, coated paper you can sometimes see an attractive red sheen.

It did not suffer from any hard starts or non-starts when I put the uncapped pen down to do swab tests, dry times and water resistance.

Available in attractive Pilot Iroshizuku 50ml glass bottles from The Writing Desk 

  • Flow Rate: Very good.
  • Lubrication: Very good - smooth.
  • Nib Dry-out: Not noticed.
  • Start-up: Immediate.
  • Saturation: Not saturated
  • Shading Potential: Some shading and red sheen seen.
  • Show-through/Bleed-through: Only noticeable on cheaper papers.
  • Spread / Feathering / Woolly Line: None seen.
  • Nib Creep / “Crud”: Not seen, even after several days in the pen.
  • Staining (pen): Not seen - easy clean-up.
  • Staining (hands): Took two or three washes before my fingers were clean.
  • Clogging: Not seen.
  • Water resistance: Not a waterproof ink.