How do I sign up for your newsletter?

Receiving our regular e-mail newsletter is a great way of keeping up to date with new products and other important updates and information. We also include voucher codes to get special discount deals that aren't advertised elsewhere so it's important to make sure you're signed up.

Follow these simple steps to be included in our mailing list. Please be assured that we will never share your details with anyone else. We wouldn't like it either so we don't do it! We follow strict privacy procedures and we've been registered under the Data Protection Act since 2013.

1. Sign in to your account

If you don't have an account yet, skip to step number 4.

Click on the icon at the top right-hand side of our website (desktop versions are shown here but the mobile version uses the same icons).

sign in to your account

Next, enter your e-mail address and password.

enter e-mail address and password

2. Update your personal information

Choose "My Personal Information".

my account details

3. Subscribe to our newsletter

Make sure the "Sign up to our newsletter" box is checked. You'll get a confirmation e-email so follow the link within.

subscribe to newsletter

That's all there is to it! If you want to opt-out at any time you can do this by un-checking the box above (or click on the unsubscribe link in any of our newsletter e-mails). You're in control.

4. What if I don't have an account?

First create one by clicking on the icon at the top right-hand side of our website.

Create a new account

5. Create your account

Enter your e-mail address.

create new account

6. Enter your name and subscribe to our newsletter

Fill in all the information as required* (examples shown below) and check the box at the bottom as shown. Make sure you choose a strong password.

You'll get a confirmation e-mail so look our for this and follow the link within.

create acount and subscribe to newsletter

Job done! You can opt-out at any time you can do this by un-checking the box above (or click on the unsubscribe link in any of our newsletter e-mails). You're in control.

*Please make sure you enter your name and password in the required fields or else your details will not be added to our newsletter.

Why do we do it this way?

Many websites just ask you to put your e-mail address in a box. When you receive an e-mail from this type of website it's has no greeting, or the greeting is "Dear Customer". This is very impersonal so we don't use that type of system.

When you sign up for an account you give is your name so we can greet you properly in our newsletters. Also, you're ready to place an order straight away without having to enter all your details each time. Sometimes we have offers or special pricing that is only available to registered customers and we don't want you to miss out.